Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I Haven't Forgotten About You!
I've got two paranormal investigations coming up in the next few months so we've been coordinating that. Believe me, I'll blog about anything from those investigations that is allowed. One is residential and those tend to stay confidential, but we can sometimes share a few details. The other one got moved from July to November and is in a public location, so I'll post all about it once it's over. I also have two books I'm writing now, plus, for some insane reason, I'm doing editing and reviewing projects for other authors.
Yeah, I'm crazy. I like to keep busy but the dust on my furniture is getting thicker so I'll have to take a break from it all to clean one of these days.
In the meantime, if you'd like to keep up with my daily updates and ramblings, please friend me at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/danadaviswriting
I must sign off for now but I'll try very hard to blog more often. (She says as three window tabs flash for her attention.)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Independence Celebration eBook Contest!
July 4th eBook contest giveaway - now through July 8th
Contest rules: Leave a comment after this blog post to enter the drawing and a chance to win a PDF copy of my newest eBook, Desert Magick: Day of the Dead (Bk 3). Or you can leave a comment on Facebook here http://www.facebook.com/note.php?saved&¬e_id=198658123518724
The winner will be chosen using a random number generator and must have a valid email address that accepts attachments in order to receive the prize.
Contest ends July 8, 2011 at noon PST and the winner will be notified within one week after that date. Only one entry per person. My relatives are not eligible – sorry about that.
For more info on the Desert Magick series, please visit http://www.danadaviswriting.com/Desert_Magick.htm
Happy 4th, stay safe, and good luck!
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