Monday, April 10, 2023

Serious car accident

I've been MIA for a couple of months because I've been recovering from a serious car accident that put me in the trauma center with life-threatening injuries back in February. I'm still healing but am back to some of my regular activities, though not in full capacity yet. It was the other driver's fault and luckily for me, I survived and they had insurance. Sadly, my 18-year-old pristine car was totaled so I've been using hubby's car to get around until we can afford another one for me. Driving has been stressful because I'm nervous someone else will t-bone me again at any moment. It will take a lot longer for the mental healing than the physical stuff. I'm just grateful no one was riding with me at the time. I sure do miss my car. They don't make them anymore so I'm really sad about that.

Also, our little senior rescue dog was diagnosed with heart disease and cataracts in March, in addition to her IVDD that we've been dealing with since we adopted her in November. She's in early stages for both so we should have a lot more time with her. We simply have to make adjustments as she gets further along in her illnesses and give her the best life we can until the end. She's come very far since November and wags her tail a lot and comes to us for pets and comfort now. I built her a window seat out of a patio storage box, plastic garden fencing (to keep her from jumping on and off), and a foam cushion. We bought a ramp for her to get up and down and she seems to really enjoy looking out the window and sunning herself.

I'm currently working on 3 novels, with another one percolating in the background of my crazy mind. Seems the accident shook up the need to get a lot more stories out before I'm dead. My characters seem to agree, because they've been hounding me in shifts.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful spring. Everything is in bloom where I live and I'm enjoying the warm breezes and birdsong while I work. Here's to the rest of our lives with no car accidents for me and mine. Fingers crossed and knock on everything wood!

In the meantime, you can find all of my previously published novels at

Happy Spring!

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