People don't talk about it much, but end of life care for a pet sucks. Dealing with an old dog with dementia, epilepsy and other health problems is exhausting and heartbreaking. The lack of sleep, the circus acts we do to get her to eat and take her meds, the night wandering and the potty accidents. The crying - us, not her. The not writing because I'm too exhausted to hold a coherent thought and keep falling asleep at my desk. The short tempers - again us, not her.
Thank goodness for books, TV and video games. Those distractions are the only things keeping us sane. Being a type A, who prides herself on fixing problems when they arise, these past few months have brought me to my knees. Hubby is more laid back and handles it much better, but thank goodness we have each other. And tomorrow, we'll get up after a night of interrupted sleep and do it all over again. Because we love our little fur baby, and because she deserves the best end of life care we can give her.
If you're going through the same thing with your pet, remember you are not alone. And kudos for sticking by your fur baby when things get tough.