Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Longing for a normal work week.

Four weeks of appointments and repair guys and I'm beat. Like a lot of writers, I'm an introvert and prefer lots of alone time, especially when I'm writing. Meeting with friends or family is fun and relaxing, but having to go to various appointments and dealing with repair guys in and out of the house every day isn't my idea of a good time. In fact, it's downright exhausting for me, and I'm always glad when I can get back to a regular writing schedule. Just me and my computer, and my characters of course. Who are screaming at me to get their chapters finished.

Like right now, I'm squinting at my computer because the eye doc dilated my eyes. It really annoys me, not to mention makes it very hard to write because everything is blurry and my eyes are light sensitive. They always tell me it'll wear off in a couple of hours but my eyes stay this way for 4-5 hours each time. I'll plug away the best I can until my eyes return to normal, which should be around dinner time, if I'm lucky.  I hate getting behind on a project - The perfectionist in me cringes. So the rest of the week, I intend to write like a mad woman. And maybe, just maybe, I can get back to a normal work week very soon.

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